Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well, we made it through the storm. We had a break in the weather this morning, sunshine and bits of blue skies, but we're back to thunder storms again on Sunday afternoon. Six inches of rain so far. All the ponds here at the apartment complex are up over their banks. The picture is of a farm just down the street from where I live. The road floods right there every time there is a big storm. Small tree branches are down and the lights nearly went our Saturday, but this has been pretty mild here. The schools were closed for four out of the last five days giving a unexpected extension to summer vacation.

Row, row, row, your boat,

Gently down the street,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Or else you'll get wet feet.

May the Lord bless you on your journey and greet you on your arrival.





At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you weren't blown into the Atlantic. The storms were quite bad here in Orlando and per my mother, pretty strong in Downtown Ocala.

My love to the members of Our Saviour! I just read through your last 5-6 blogs and I loved the pictures from the VBS! =) Great to see so many young, smiling faces in the church.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Wayne said...

I saw that it was bad in Orlando. Not to fear. Gustav is on the way and another tropical depression behind that.

We were very pleased at VBS. We've added a new play-table area in the fellowship hall and working on a hideaway for the teens. Lack of people and money won't stop me.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as VBS goes, if you have the will, the way will follow...

I sent you an email about this post, and I knew you had said the pic was from a farm, but I posed my question incorrectly...were you personally flooded or was the church?



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