Friday, June 06, 2008


Sunday I thought it was an allergy, a little coughing and sneezing. Well, there's always something in this part of Florida to make you sneeze. By Tuesday it was a code in my noze wid more coffin and somb ouchy sinuses. I boud a subbly of cough drobs to combad da code symdoms. Wednesday it seemed to slide down into my chest, and I began to sound like Gravel Gerttie. It doesn't make me feel too bad, except when the coughing starts, but I sound awful.

I managed to get through the winter cold and flu free despite not having a flu shot (the doctor ran out just before my appointment.) So a summer cold comes upon me instead. *Hack!* *Hack!* *Hack!* *UUUGGHH!* I know it's not technically summer yet, but the temperature has been in the 90s for the last few weeks, so the germs think it's summer.

I don't believe in indulging colds. I give the cold bugs a dose of Nyquil at night and bombard them with menthol-eucalyptus during the day. If I haven't improved tomorrow, I'll have to try the miracle drugā€“Campbell's Chicken Soup. That's what my mother always gave us. Yes, I know it's nothing but salt water through which a chicken has been force-marched, but those wonderful noodles just slide down your throat soothing away the rough places.

I have my own home remedies for most things. Chicken Noodle Soup for colds, ice cold 7-Up for fevers (always helps), and saltine crackers for upsets of the tummy. *Ahem!* *Ahem* *Ahem!* Excuse me, time for a little more menthol-eucalyptus. Take THAT you nasty little buggers.

I have no intention of letting this slight malady interfere with my life. I'm going to a graduation on Friday no matter what. Heck, even when I had shingles I went straight from the hospital urgent care department to the theater to see a ballet. And when I sprained my ankle I finished the service first, then went to have it fixed despite my ankle swelling to the size of a grapefruit.

See, I even got my blog written . *A-CHOO!* *AUUGH!* *OUCH!*

Stay healthy.

May the Lord God bless you in your way and greet you on your arrival.




At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely forgot about your blog until today - and I've spent the last 30 minutes or so catching up from the last six weeks or so! I am so sorry to hear you've gotten a cold --- I missed a whole week of work about three weeks ago with what started as a scratchy throat... and mutated into an upper respitory infection, sinus infection, and double ear infection all at once. Torture! I hope you feel better!


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