Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ha-ha, ugh!

Unfortunately, the blogs for this week and next seem to have gone missing. They are on a floppy disk, but said disk is not in my carrying case. So instead you get some awful clergy jokes.

A preacher, looking for a discount, said, "I'm only a poor preacher." Said the clerk, "I know. I've heard you preach."

A bellhop said about the preachers' convention: "They come with the Ten Commandments in one hand and a ten spot in the other and don't break either one the whole time they're here."

A filling station attendant said to the preacher: "They wait until the last minute, even though the trip was planned a year ago." And the preacher said "Works the same in my business, too."

Dad criticized the sermon. Mother thought the organist did a lousy job. Sister didn't like the choir's singing. Junior said: "All in all, I thought it was a good show for a buck."

"Does your dad prepare a new sermon for every Sunday?" "Naw, he just yells in different places."

Everybody liked the new preacher's first sermon. He kept repeating it Sunday after Sunday. "Parson, aren't we ever going to get a new sermon? "When I get action on the old one."

Hmm. I need some new jokes or I'm going to have to get a laugh-track for my sermons. You can tell these are old jokes. When's the last time you saw a filling station attendant? For that matter, when's the last time anyone called a gas station a filling station? I remember when they filled the gas tank, cleaned your windows, checked the oil and water, and gave away free dishes, all for 29 cents a gallon.



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